Check if you have a stye

A stye usually only affects 1 eye, but it's possible to have more than 1 at a time and on both eyes.
It's probably not a stye if:
- there's no lump – if your eye or eyelid is swollen, red and watery it's more likely to be conjunctivitis or blepharitis
- the lump is hard but not very painful – this is more likely to be a chalazion
Find out more about chalazions on the Moorfields Eye Hospital website
How you can treat a stye yourself
To reduce swelling and help the stye heal:
- Soak a clean flannel in warm water.
- Hold it against your eye for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Repeat this 2 to 4 times a day.
To relieve the pain, take painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Do not give aspirin to children under 16.
Avoid wearing contact lenses and eye make-up until the stye has burst and healed.
Important: Do not burst a stye
Do not try to burst a stye or remove an eyelash yourself. This can spread the infection.
Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:
- a stye does not get better within a few weeks
Urgent advice: Ask for an urgent GP appointment or get help from NHS 111 if:
- a stye is very painful or swollen
- it affects your vision
- your eye is producing pus
- the infection has spread to your eye or eyelid
You can call 111 or get help from 111 online.
Treatment from a GP
If you have a stye, the GP may:
- burst the stye with a thin, sterilised needle
- remove the eyelash closest to the stye
- refer you to an eye specialist in hospital
How to prevent a stye
You can help avoid stye by keeping your eyes clean.
Styes are often caused by bacteria infecting an eyelash follicle or eyelid gland.
You're also more likely to get a stye if you have long-term blepharitis or rosacea.
wash your face and remove eye make-up before bed
keep your eyelids and eyelashes clean, especially if you have blepharitis
wash your hands before putting contact lenses in or taking them out
do not share towels or flannels with someone who has a stye
do not rub your eyes if you have not recently washed your hands
Page last reviewed: 18 April 2024
Next review due: 18 April 2027